sabato 4 gennaio 2014

My top 2013 albums

in ordine non proprio casuale:

1) Ornitology - A Soul Geografy

2) Rooms Delayed - Nothing Lighter

3) Stephan Mathieu - The Falling Rocket 

4) La Grande Bellezza ( OST )

5) Rafael Anton Irisarri - The Unintetional Sea

6) Andrew Chalk - The Cable House
7) Taylor Deupree, Stephen Vitiello ( before leaving, Fall 2013 )

8) Domenico Canino - Hypnos Hypnos

9) Heroin in Tahiti - Death Surf ( con colpevole ritardo )

10) James Blackshaw & Lubomyr Melnyk - The Watchers

11) Enrico Coniglio - My Home, Sinking

12) Simona Gretchen - Post Krieg